Log Homes & Allergies | Complete Guide

Log homes are beautiful, rustic, and associated with nature. We often refer to log homes as a lifestyle. Since log homes are a unique way of life, many people often ask about preventing allergies in their cabin. Even if you love the outdoors allergies can cause life to be pretty miserable. In this guide we will answer the most common questions about allergies in log homes.

Are allergies worse in log home?

The most common question people have are if allergies are worse in log homes. Allergies can be worse in log homes if the home does not have an air filter, is not cleaned regularly, and is located in nature. The same problems that cause allergies in regular homes will also be the same factors in log homes.

What causes allergies in log homes?

Allergies can be caused by many things. The most common allergies in a log home can be mildew/mold, dust/mites, trapped pollen, cockroaches, fireplaces, and animal allergens. Other things can cause allergies, but these are the most common that you will find in a log home.

How to reduce allergens in log home:

Here are the steps to prevent allergies in your log home:

Reduce moisture and clean mold.

New log homes can have higher moisture as the logs are fresh and will dry. Moisture in a log home can lead to mold and mildew which can cause allergies. By reducing the moisture in your log home and cleaning any mold/mildew, you will greatly increase the air quality of your log home. Here is How To Remove Mold.

Remove dust and increase humidity.

Dust increases the amount of dust mites and also holds many allergens. Removing dust in your home will greatly help with your allergies. Since log homes have many grooves for dust to sit on, it can be easy for it to build up. This is why we recommend clear coating the interior of your log home. A clear coat will make the interior logs easier to clean and less likely to hold dust. Also having your humidity to low can increase dust in your home. Having your log home too dry can cause many problems as well. Checkout our article on Getting Your Humidity Just Right.

Remove and prevent pests.

Pests such as cockroaches can spread and cause allergic reactions. It is important to make sure that you prevent pest in your log home. It is also important to seal your log home in order to prevent pests from getting in. Even if you take care of pests in your log home, it is important to do a deep clean after. There are plenty of allergens that can be left behind. Check: Common Log Home Problems and how to prevent them. or How to prevent Pests.

Seal your log home and use an air filter.

Log homes need to be sealed in order to prevent pests and moisture from entering them. Another reason to seal your log home is to keep pollen from entering it. Sealing your log home and installing an air filter will help prevent pollen from floating around your log home. It is important to clean your air filter often as well.

Clean your fireplace.

Many log homes come with fireplaces. A fireplace that is not vented properly or that needs to be cleaned can spread dust throughout the house. This dry ash or even smoke if the fireplace is lit can be subtle but still cause allergy problems. If you believe that your fireplace is not venting properly or needs to be cleaned, then it is important to do ASAP.

These are the top ways to prevent allergies in your log home.

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